Industrial and Commercial Cleaning Sdn Bhd is the place where i work..
It's my dad's company..i rejected offers from Yakult, N.Sembilan State Museum and N.Sembilan State Library because it might be better if working with my dad..i don't have to drive...i don't have to spend my own money to buy lunch..hehehhh...kedekut kan??hoho..
ICCSB is a small company that provides cleaning services around Mascargo and the companies such as Japan Airlines, warehouse etc...The management takes care of around 40 cleaners of the company..
What i love about being in ICC is because there are only 4 employees work in the office including me..
So syok....tak bising...tak kecoh...hehehe...
But there are people yang pertikaikan kenapa i didn't do my internship at big and well known company??
what the hell?it's my choice and who are you to judge me??at least i learn many things from this 'small' company that no one knows daripada kau yang asyik fotostat je kat company besar tu...It's not about how big the company is,but it's about what u learn and how u apply things u simple as what's the fuss??
busybody je...
hahahha..kelakar gile gamba ni!!!!!!!!!!
setiap ari dgr bunyi plane......pekak telinge i!!!
inilah bangunan maskargo..where i work :)
this is candid..haih...buruk..
Ok bye2!!!till then :)
jaa muah3!!!
What Sign Am I
2 months ago
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