"Crazee Gang" is referred to all my wayar tercabut friends in college..
after 2 months we haven't seen each other,i guess this friday is the right time for us to gather around!
We're planning to go for Iftar (buka puase) in KL..YEAY!
happy gile tau coz they are such great friends of mine..Let's get to know them :)
Farah Amanina aka Kak Yan (nickname i created for her)
She is fun..hahaha...the same thing bout me and her is our unstable mood..kitorang bad temper sikit..
tapi nina lagi kritis...haha..i adore her straightforwardness...die boleh maki orang kalu orang wat taik...bagus!
Shahreezal Y Rosdin aka Abob (Nina's heartthrob)
Ok this guy is hillarious!He's funny and such a nice one..Setiap kali accident mesti mamat ni tolong..baik dowh..ececeh...sape2 nak amik buat suami,silekan..tapi kene berani la wrestling ngn Kak Yan..Kak Yan punyela hebaT!!SCAAGHHYYY!!!! :P
Ros Farhanah aka Lala Ketong..haha
Minah ni first time kenal,i was like..."pompuan ni bisinglah!"hehe...minah ni mmg banyak mulut..such a twitter..pelik ku asal ko xde twitter lala??bolehlah ko bermulut murai kat ctu..haha..i always have great time with her..and yes she is DAMN FUNNEYYYYYHH!
Ameenul Fitri aka Mat geli mat....hohohohohohhhhhh
Mamat ni pengotor dan menjijikkan dan perasan!!semate2 orang ckp muke die mcm Aidil Zafuan adan Zaquan Adha,die bajet hawwtttt!!!Mak lagi hawwtt,nokk!!haha...ok ni pon klala nak mati...nak lagi part die cite pasal keje kat akademi memandu!!haha...ingat x pasal gear tu mat??!!!ku ingat lagi,giler!!!!
Noor Azwan aka Balck aka Orang Minyak aka Buncit...hehe
Sorryyyy arrr..jgn mara nnti kena jual :P what can i say about Black???die kelakar..sangat kelakar...dan selalu tolong ku..tapi ko cite lebat!!!!hahah...black jgn mkn banyk2 tau...jage perot..jage perot tu :)
Shahrul Ab Rahim aka Aloy..
Ini oghang nogoghi ni...duk paroi..hehehe..slalu kalau travel balik semban,die la co-pilot...gile2 tapi kdg2 ley pakai gak mamat neyh...haha...tapi kan aloy,rm10 ku ko lum bayar lagi...bile eyh?eyh??hahahah...
Sbenanye ade lagi...seperti apai,ajoy,madiq and few more...tapi yg penting dorang ni sume GILER2!!!!Ku memang paling susahhh nak lepak ngn lelaki...tapi ngn dorang,i always feel comfy..xdelah mcm dak2 laki lain yg bile lepak,nak bajet macho,konong hensem,cite pon nak lebat mcm pokok rambutan belakang umah nenek ku.....poorrahhh!!!And yg girls pon x bajet hawwwtt sebab ku sorg je yg hawwtt!!!hahahahha..
Can't wait to see u guys!!Love u..Friends forever!!!!!!