Friday, September 3, 2010

Being Single Isn't Equal to Being Alone

I hate the perception of 'Being Single' means 'Being Alone'..What a crap..
I am 20,minus 15 years which i think is not a suitable age to have the 'L' relationship = 5 years without having any boys to call 'honey','baby' and whatsoever,I AM PROUD TO BE FARA FARINA BINTI BAHARUDDIN :)

Geez,trust can you feel like u're alone when you have family and friends around you?
I always convince myself,when the time comes,the PRINCE CHARMING will show up when i'm just...not looking for him..
Honestly,yeah sometimes i keep wondering how does it feel to have a boyfriend?But it doesn't bother me at all..i'm happy with my life plus I AM JUST 20!SO WHAT THE HECK??
I'm not hunting for boyfriends,I'm hunting for a husband to live forever with :)

My To Do List (before getting married to someone) :
1) earn better living for my parents and family..
    Geez..among my sisters and brother,ku rase ku yg paling kuat melawan..huhu..and i feel bad all the time
    bile lukekan ati ibu and ayah..i'm not proud of myself,trust me..but i always have this dream,sebelum
    kahwin ku nak provide better living utk ibu,ayah and family..coz all this while,i'm not being a good
    daughter and sister..

2) migrate
    It's my dream to migrate to countries like canada or new zealand or maybe australia..kerja and kumpul duit
    as much as i can sebelum balik malaysia :) then only i can  fulfill my first dream..hehe..bile lagi nak tengok
    negare orang kan?i wanna live in a simple life..and do fun things...fruit picking job sounds FUN!!!hahaha.
    my cousins live in Auckland..her husband is still doing P.H.D..and my cousin was as admin and
    finance manager before moved to auckland..and in Auckland,they really are having better life than in's simple and peaceful :)

3) be a better muslim and a better person
    hubungan ku dgn Allah masih jauh..have u ever heard of 'lelaki baik untuk wanita baik'??kalau tanye kat
    mane2 perempuan,for sure diorang nak lelaki beriman dan yang mampu membimbing..tapi kalau kite
    sendiri jauh tersasar dari landasan betul dan jauh dari Allah,do we deserve to get the best ones?ku nak
    betul2 mendalami Islam so that ku boleh jadi muslim,anak,kakak,adik,kawan etc yang lebih baik in future.

Remember,love comes and go..tapi untuk dapat cinta sejati,tu yang paling susah..kadang2 kalau kita cari cinta sejati selame 30 tahun pun,belum tentu kite akan dapat cari..Semua orang boleh cakap,'i'll love you till death do us part', or 'selagi masih bernafas,i akan sentiase ade di sisi you' or something yang lagi klise mcm 'cinta i lebih tggi dr gunung everest,lagi dalam dari laut mati dan lagi tebal dari buku teks sejarah'..haha...tapi at the end of the day bile one of us meninggal dunie,x smpai 3 bulan dah kahwin that what we call TRUE LOVE?ahaha...kill me!

But please,jgn sebab desperate,kite bercinte mcm tukar baju..kite perempuan,and we are not some preloved items...being a single is not equal to being alone..but when our family and friends kick us out of their lives,that's close enough to words ALONE..

I'm happy with my life..yes for the time being,i'd prefer to stay single..tapi kalau dah jodoh awal,siapa kita untuk halang rencana Allah kan?what's important is jangan terburu2..soal hidup,kahwin adelah keputusan paling besar dalam kehidupan kite..I don't wanna live in regrets..Once I do,i'd rather die.
Semoga Allah pertemukan jodoh terbaik buatku.Amin :)


jen said...

i love this post. do or die.

when the right one comes, then u deserve him and vice versa.

im not into playing with love either.
i wish US THE BEST :)

Farinafara said...

true babe :)
let's toast for our happiness :)

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